13 tracks: Buain A’Choirce * May Colvin * Cumba Easbuig Earraghaidbeal * Laill Leathag * Cameron MacFadyen / Dr Camerons Casebook / Miss Kirsten Lindsay Morrison * Mo Dhomhnullan Fhein * Planxty Crockery / Dombnall Dubb * Pi Li Li Liu * Dr Florence Campbell of Jammalamadugu / Duncan Johnstone * The Castlebay Scrap / Stuarts Rant * Ain’t no Sunshine / The Flawless Juggler * Miss Ann Cameron of Balvenie / Amys Rollerskates * Paddys Leather Breeches * Tha Sior Chaolineadh.
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Patsy Seddon & Mary MacMaster are widely known as harp players, also for their work with The Poozies, Clan Alba and Caledon.
“An excellent recording…”
(Ambience, Australia)