Registered Office Address
Greentrax Recordings LtdCockenzie Business Hub
Edinburgh Road
East Lothian
EH32 0XL
Scotland, UK
Greentrax Recordings is a Limited Company registered in Scotland, Registration Number 180331.
Customer Service
- UK phone: 01875 814 155
- international phone: +[44] 1875 814 155
email: [email protected]
How To Order
Online Payment
We accept PayPal and major credit and debit cards through our online ordering system. Your payment will be processed in UK Pounds Sterling. If you are an international customer, your transaction total will be converted afterwards by PayPal or your payment card provider to your country's currency.
Despatch & Delivery
Orders should be despatched within 3 working days.
If your order needs to be split - for example if you have a pre-order for a title which has yet to come into stock - you won't be charged any extra for postage. Delivery is by Royal Mail 2nd Class post (UK) or standard International Airmail. Usual latest times for delivery after despatch are:
- UK: 3 working days
- International: 10 working days
Ordering by Phone
We regret that we are no longer able to accept orders by telephone with credit/debit card payment. However phone order payments can be made by cheque, bank transfer or Paypal transfer. Give us a call to find the payment due for your items and let us know your contact and delivery details.
- A cheque made payable to Greentrax Recordings Ltd can be posted to our office address.
- A bank transfer can be made to account details we can supply you with by phone.
- A PayPal transfer can be made to [email protected]
Returns Policy
You have a right to cancel within 7 days of receipt of your order, and receive a full refund of the order value, including any original postage paid. You should return the ordered items to us unopened with any shrinkwrapping intact, using an economy method to our office address. We guarantee to replace any opened but faulty items and compensate you for return postage in this case.
Privacy Policy
Cookies are only used on our site to keep track of your visit, and of the contents of your shopping basket once you have selected an item. These are 'strictly necessary'' or 'functional' cookies and are not set by any third party.
We retain the contact information you provide through the ordering process in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Information we collect is used only to facilitate delivery of your order and we do not disclose any information to third parties.
If you choose to subscribe to our Monthly Newsletter, your name and email address is stored by YourMailingListProvider and used by us only for the purpose of sending out monthly email messages to subscribers.
Please contact us if you have any concerns about your privacy.
About Greentrax

Managing Director & Promotions
[email protected]

Accounts, Royalties & Promotions
[email protected]
Greentrax Recordings Ltd has established itself as Scotland's leading traditional music recording company, with a well-earned worldwide reputation. The company was launched in 1986 by former police inspector Ian Green, and 2011 marked our 25th anniversary. During this period Greentrax has released some 500 albums, and the current catalogue features approximately 450 items - a remarkable achievement which Ian Green is extremely proud of! The Greentrax Recordings catalogue includes the Greentrax, G2 and Celtic Collections labels, plus Grian Music Publishing.
While the press has always been generous in its praise of Greentrax, Scottish Televison also featured Ian and the company's achievements in their Artery series. In 2005 Ian was presented with The Hamish Henderson Award for Services to Scottish Traditional Music at the Scots Trad Awards, which automatically placed him in The Scottish Traditional Music Hall of Fame. In 2006 Ian was very proud to accept an Honorary Doctorate from the Royal Scottish Academy Of Music & Drama (Glasgow), also for services to Scottish traditional music. Various other awards have been bestowed on Greentrax, and each year Greentrax artists feature prominently in the Scots Trad Music Awards.
Visitors to the Greentrax office are amazed at the incredible mix of Scottish music the company has released. The CD booklets adorn three of the office walls. This amazing array of talent includes folk singers and groups, Gaelic singers, singers & songwriters, ceilidh bands, pipe bands, solo pipers and various other instrumental music, both traditional and contemporary.
The Scottish Tradition Series from the archives of the School Of Scottish Studies are amongst the finest of their kind, and the range continues to expand annually. The G2 label allowed further diversification and resulted in the unique Keltik Elektrik and Salsa Celtica releases, more recently Jiggin' The Blues featuring Frankie Gavin, plus other unusual albums. The Celtic Collections Series is a mid-price range of albums, culled mainly from the Greentrax back catalogue but including such original gems as Sandy Bell's Ceilidh. There are some very strong sellers in this series, which provides excellent value for money and are quality albums.
Read a July 2021 article about the Greentrax 35th anniversary from The Living Tradition.